Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Your Seven Greatest Enemies

Gary Thomas (author of a Sacred Marriage, a must-read for married and engaged couples) has an interesting take on the Seven Deadly sins in this article:

Centuries of Christian thinkers have combed through Scripture, human experience and shared life to come up with our seven greatest enemies: the spiritual assassins that war against our souls to the greatest effect.

These enemies don't sleep, and they war against every Christian soul. They spread fastest and best when we ignore them or pretend they don't exist. In other words, if we're not actively fighting them, we are all but giving them permission to take over.

Do you even know what they are?

What would you guess?

Read the full article here.

1 comment:

  1. Sacred Marriage rules... even for those not married or engaged. haha




About Me

I am a husband to Eva, father of 4, pastor, and most of all passionate follower of Jesus Christ. The focus of my life is to make the most of every opportunity God gives me to bring glory to Him. Outside of the time spent in my role as a pastor, I spend most of my time with my family -- a good deal of that coaching various sports teams that my children are involved with. Every fall and winter you will find me rushing to the woods of Indiana and West Virginia in search of a monster whitetail buck.